Información y ayuda

HPC Universidad de Oriente

Herramientas de usuario

Herramientas del sitio


AmberAssisted Model Building with energy refinement. Used for biological and molecular simulations.
ATLASProvides optimal software for lineal algebra.
BLAS Routines for operations with vector and matrices.
EasyBuildFramework for installing software
GAMESSGeneral Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System, a general ab initio quantum chemistry package.
gamos5Geant4-based medicine-oriented-simulations. gamos5 simulates of the passage of particles through matter.Its areas of application include high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as studies in medical and space science.
GaussianProvides state-of-the-art capabilities for structure modeling.
gcc, g++, gfortranCompilers and its libraries.
gnuplotGnuplot is a command-line driven graphing utility used to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively.
LapackRoutines for solving lineal equations, eigenvalue problems.
LigplotProgram for automatically ploting protein-ligand interactions.
MatlabA programming language that allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces and interfacing with programs written in other languages.
MPICHHigh performance and widely portable implementation of MPI.
OctaveHigh-level interpreter language for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for numerical solution of lineal and nonlineal problems, and graphic capabilities for data manipulation and visualization.
OpenMPIOpen source Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation.
pgapackParallel Genetic Algorithm Library
pythonA widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language.
RFree software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
ScilabOpensource software for numerical computations.
WekaWeka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization.
Bioinformatics Software
MrBayesMrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. MrBayes uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters.
BEASTBEAST2 is a cross-platform program for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequences.
RAxMLRAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees. It can also be used for post- analyses of sets of phylogenetic trees, analyses of alignments and, evolutionary placement of short reads.
software.txt · Última modificación: 2017/10/31 14:24 por Ernesto Eduardo Diaz Conde